Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's Offical Were Off!

Taylor and I went to Sacramento this past weekend so that Taylor could take his California State Life Insurance Test. I have never seen him so nervous to take a test. But with a lot of studding and I mean a lot of studding. I'm very happy to say he PASSED!!!! I'm so proud of him he worked hard for this, he said it was nothing like the material he studied. About half way through he said he just stopped and thought, how am I going to explain failing to our family, especially when 3 out of the 5 people who went up before him failed. I couldn't wait to hear the results and it was a long wait!!! And the best news I could have ever heard. So it looks like we will be in Sacramento in just a few weeks! Now I can focus on the bigger picture, packing my house...I don't know how on earth I have acquired so much stuff in just 2 years!!! I can't believe it came so fast. I'm not ready but I guess you never really are!


  1. I don't want you to move!!!! Hey are we all going to dinner as a family before you leave? I think we should and also go back to someones house and play cards or games and have cake!

  2. Thanks for coming over and helpong me with my blog.. i do need all the help i can.. ha ha well i'm really sad to have you go but ots good to know you'll be back.

  3. Yes we are!!! mom and I have been talking about it a little but no set plans yet!!! cards would be fun too...We'll just have to talk about it some more.
